Leverage Alternative Candidate Sourcing Channels to Communicate, such as SMS

We are continuously bombarded with messages as we go about our daily lives, so cutting through the noise is the biggest challenge for TA teams, particularly when it comes to passive candidates that aren’t even looking for their next opportunity. Once you’ve defined your candidate personas (See Best Practices to Create Candidate Personas), consider their preferred channels and leverage them to engage with talent in a more relevant way.

In times of overflowing email inboxes, SMS still enjoys almost 100 percent open and read rates. In fact, 95 percent of texts will be read within the first three minutes, and users respond on average in just 90 seconds. So think about which sourcing channels are best to communicate with your candidates, including incorporating SMS where appropriate.

Eighty-six percent of candidates feel positive when text messages were used during the recruiting process, up from 79 percent in 2016."

Source: Linkedin

Avature Advantage

– Engage candidates through a less-used channel with Avature’s built-in SMS functionality, powered by your chosen provider.

– Similarly to emails and drip campaigns, Avature allows you to define a specific audience and send scheduled SMS messages at scale.

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Discover the impact that using SMS and other alternative sourcing channels to engage candidates can have on recruiting results.


A US financial services and insurance company uses the SMS function in Avature to reach out and follow-up with hard-to-reach talent and leads if email has not been successful.

10%Offers from SMS applications

Ten percent of Accenture offers now come from candidates who apply via the SMS integration.

167%Increase in response rates

A French food and facilities management firm saw average response rates rise by 167 percent in one year after integrating SMS to communicate with passive candidates, applicants and hiring managers.

Identify Your Candidates’ Preferred Communications Channel and Stand Out From the Crowd!

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