Flaunt Your Employer Value Proposition on Your Career Site

Build a career site that include microsites or landing pages that showcase company culture, values and benefits, as well as job opportunities. This will help position your company as an employer of choice that attracts candidates even in the Great Resignation. Now, more than ever before, candidates investigate your organization before they apply for a role or respond to your messages. So you should give them an authentic look behind the scenes and show what your company does in terms of DEI and other topics that are important to them. It goes without saying in this day and age, your site should be mobile-optimized.

  • Create an AI-powered career marketplace and personalize candidate experience based on individual profiles and interests.
  • Ask your employees to upload pictures and content to your social media channels. You can then display a feed of your #careers account to your portal or microsite.
  • Think about displaying a 360-degree tour through your office for on-site and hybrid positions.
  • Make sure your job ads are impressive. Studies show that pages with a clear job description and a short video of the hiring manager talking about the role yield the best conversion.
  • Localize content for different markets to ensure that your employee value proposition resonates with potential candidates no matter where they are.

Avature Advantage

Include videos on your Career Site to flaunt your EVP and gain:

  • Up to 500 percent increase in click-throughs
  • Up to 50 percent more applications
  • Significant increase in qualified candidates

Provide a customized experience to each candidate with Avature AI. Allow candidates to find opportunities that match their skills, qualifications and experience on a career site that recommends them positions based on their browsing history and the details in their resume.

Quality content is key, making sure we are capturing the true work culture and finding new ways to engage with the audience. Local content beats global content. We will continue with that effort.

Dalhia Rodriguez

Employer Brand and Social Media Lead

Avature Advantage

– Leverage fully branded Avature career sites and content-rich microsites that include multimedia, such as videos, on any page.

–  Maximize your SEO authority so people can easily find you organically with Avature portals, which are prepared with multiple elements to promote searchability.

– Build event registration and talent community pages on the fly without the need for developer skills with the Avature Landing Page Builder.

Mobile optimize the end-to-end process from career site to application.

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Industry Leaders in Action

Don’t just take our word for it! Discover how some of the world’s leading companies are leveraging Avature career sites to capture the attention of the best talent in the market.

L’Oréal is a brand that excels at helping potential applicants find their fit through a personalized experience. It makes the most of Avature’s AI-powered career marketplace to impress visitors with live suggestions and semantic search, as well as recommendations based on their resume and browsing history.

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KPMG’s Avature-powered career site won Talent Board’s North American Candidate Experience (CandE) Award four years in a row. Check it out!

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IKEA leveraged Avature to create a career site that is available in over 30 languages, ensuring their content hits the mark across regions. Take a look!

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Optimize Your Career Site With Avature

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